When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized by an alternating magnetic field, the abrupt irreversible motion of magnetic domain walls inside the material will induce Magnetic Barkhausen Noise ( MBN). 铁磁构件在交变磁场的作用下,磁畴壁的不连续运动在其表面释放一种磁弹波&巴克毫森噪讯。
It is very important in practice to study the susceptibility spectrum of the system consisting of the ferromagnetic particles with single domain. 单畴铁磁颗粒体系的磁谱的研究具有很重要的应用意义。
When ferromagnetic materials are presented in a weak alternative magnetic field with low frequency, the domain walls within the materials will vibrate around their equivalent position. 在低频弱磁场下,铁磁性材料中由于畴壁的振动使周围磁通量改变,从而在材料内部形成微观涡流,导致损耗。
A non-destructive testing technique of stress of ferromagnetic substance applying reverse magnetostriction effect has maturely developed in non-destructive testing domain. 利用逆磁致伸缩效应的铁磁材料应力无损检测技术在无损检测领域中已经发展成熟。